Imagine 2024 The Year Where You Transform Your Physique Without Dieting, Without Sacrificing Your Life, Without Losing Time With Family And Without Losing Yourself In The Process.

With Our 2024 Challenge, You Can Make This Reality By The Summer Or Less!

I'm Looking For Individuals Who Want To Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Tone Up, Feel More Confident And Move Better With Our Challenge!
Click Here To Fill Out The Form

We Provide Our Clients With A Unique And Tailored Approach To Ensure Your Success Including:

Kick Off Call
A call to establish WHY, your goals and tailored programme for individual needs.
A tailored training programme that suit your schedule & your lifestyle. 
Sustainable, flexible and safe approach to nutrition.
Our coaches and online community are always at hand throughout the journey.
Through our private group of like-minded individuals and coaches.
Commitment to your journey through regular check-ins, individualised feedback, regular one-to-one catch-ups with our coaches.
Always strive to thrive, be the best version of themselves and never give up on themselves!
Through the ups and downs of any health and fitness journey. 
We recognise that no journey is linear and we are committed to helping through those tough times.

What You Can Expect To Achieve In 12 Weeks Or Less

Get Started
Improve Your Health & Fitness, Healthier Habits And Routines That Set Up For A Stress Free Healthy Lifestyle.
Burn Fat To Ensure Your Clothes Fit Much More Comfortable
Improve Your Confidence Internally And Externally So You Can Be True Self In All Area Of Life
New Wardrobe Of Clothes So You Look Satisfied In The Mirror.
Higher Energy In Everyday Life, At Work And With The Kids.
Tone Up
Sleep Better And Much More ...

What Our Clients Have Said

Meet Your Body Expert Transformation Coach

Maciej Zurawski

I Understand..

How Tiring And Difficult It Can Be Trying To Fit Your Health And Fitness Goals Into Your Already Busy Life. How Frustrating It Is When You Tried That Outfit That Just Doesn't Sit Right. How Soul Destroying It Is When You Are Insecure About Yourself, When You Look In The Mirror And Really Dislike What You See. How Scary It Is To Join Another Programme After Trying So Many In The Past That Simply Did Not Work.

We Understand, We Know, We Get It.

So If You're Frustrated And Unclear What To Do Next And Know You Have The Potential To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life Then We Can Help You So You Never Struggle To Get Fit And Healthy Again.

Shaped Physique Is Led By Transformation Expert Maciej Zurawski, Who Only Cares About Getting Serious Results With Everyday People.

No Matter What Your Current Level Of Fitness Is, If You Want To Transform Your Physique, Maciej Zurawski And His Team Know How To Reclaim Your Body Back Fast And Achieve Your Health And Fitness Dreams.

These People Tried Various Diets, Programmes That Simply Did Not Work Until They Found Us. We Helped Women Who Didn't Know Where To Start, Were Lacking In Time, Confused By Conflicted Information, Had 'Tried Everything' Out There, Lacked Support, No Communication And Felt Incredible Low In Confidence.

In Very Short Space Of Time They Have Transformed Their Bodies And Lives - We're Not Full Of Hot Air, Many Reviews Below Come From 'Real' People Like You Because Results Occurred Very Quickly, So When We Ask For A Few Kind Words They Went Above And Beyond.

Before & After


Have seen great results in my strength training which is what I requested. Fun and enjoyable atmosphere would 100% recommend!
I have been training with Maciek for a couple months now. I have always struggled with my weight and he has helped me have fun whilst working out,Also I still get to enjoy some of my favourite foods.
Started this program 6 months ago. Love it and have managed to get fitter, stronger, lighter. Great venue and friendly
Free Consultation
Valued at £199

Book Your Free No Obligation 30 Minutes Best Life Discovery Call

During Your Free Consultation You'll Discover ..
What's Holding You Back From Your Dream Results
Strategies To Overcome Your Biggest Struggles
The 3 Biggest Reasons You're Not Seeing The Changes You Want To See
What To Focus On Your Journey To Give You The Best Chance Of Success
How You Can Easily Lose 10lbs+ In Just 4 Weeks
Unhappy To Living Their True Best Life
3 Biggest Things You Need Right Now That Helped People Just Like You Go From Feeling Lost, Lacking Time And Unhappy To Living Their True Best Life


We Only Have 10 Spaces To Secure Your Place, And Then The Waiting List Will Be Rolled Out..

You See, We're Little Bit Different From Big Names In The Fitness Industry.

We DON'T Cram As Many People Into The Programme As Possible And Sell Your 1 Off Training Programme. We Work With You Together And We Go Through This Journey Together You Have Our Support Literally 24/7 From Our Accountability Coach.

This Is Super Uncommon In The Fitness Industry But This Is So Crucial For Personal Attention To Get The Best Results Possible.